The Trees The Fork Oak Day65 - Multi Line Garbage Clearing

Reworked multi line garbage clearing

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Today I reworked the clear animation to allow for spawning garbage blocks when garbage is cleared that is more than a single row tall. To do this I needed to change how the spawned blocks are revealed and created.

Grid Location Refactor

The first step was to pull the render location calculation out of the garbage and block classes into it's own helper. This code was already fairly repetitive so pulling it out was useful regardless.

  export function gridToScreen({ position, dimensions }) {
  let result = {};

  if (position) {
    let blocksTopLeft = new Vector(
      gridCenter.x - gridDimensions.width / 2,
      gridCenter.y - gridDimensions.height / 2 + blockPixelAdvancement);

    result.position = blocksTopLeft.add(
        .multiplyParts(new Vector(1, -1)));

  if (dimensions) {
    result.dimensions = dimensions.multiply(blockWidth);

  return result;

I use a pattern here where the function takes as argument a single object and returns an object which may have optional properties. This allows me to group similar calculations together while still picking and choosing what parts I want for a given situation.

Covered Slots

Previous I rendered the block covers when breaking a garbage block by passing the cover texture to the spawned block render functions. This was a quick fix to reuse the block render logic, but now that I have factored that logic out into it's own helper, this isn't needed. That code also prevented me from drawing multiple cover textures over a single garbage block which is now necessary since breaking a garbage block may spawn other smaller garbage blocks.

My change was to modify the ClearAnimation class to add every overlapping slot to a "Set" of overlapping slots to draw instead of using a specialized object with a visible parameter. Importantly I do not use the actual Set object here because it uses reference equality when adding and removing from the set. Instead I use a map where the key is the stringified version of the slot Vector and the value is the instance itself. This will approximate value equality which is what I actually want. I want to know if the given slot value is in the "Set", not whether the particular instance of a slot Vector is contained in the set.

  class ClearAnimation {
  constructor(triggeringBlocks, garbageBlocks) {
    this.timer = 0;
    this.triggeringBlocks = triggeringBlocks;
    this.garbageBlocks = garbageBlocks;
    this.coveredSlots = new Map();
    this.spawnedBlocks = [];

    for (let garbage of garbageBlocks) {
      for (let slot of garbage.overlappingSlots()) {
        this.coveredSlots.set(JSON.stringify(slot), slot);


Then when updating the clear animation I remove each covered slot one by one from the coveredSlots "Set" rather than removing them by which is covered by a spawned block.

  update() {
  if (this.timer > clearDelay) {
    if ((this.timer - clearDelay) % blockClearDelay == 0) {
      let anyUncovered = false;
      for (let coveredSlot of this.coveredSlots.values()) {
        anyUncovered = true;

      if (!anyUncovered && !this.breakTimeStarted) {
        this.breakTimeStarted = this.timer;

When rendering, I simply draw every spawned block and then draw each covered slot texture on top.

  render() {
  for (let spawnedBlock of this.spawnedBlocks) {

  for (let coveredSlot of this.coveredSlots.values()) {
    let renderInfo = gridToScreen({
      position: coveredSlot,

      imageUrl: garbageImages.Clear,
      center: Vector.topLeft,

Spawning Garbage

I also changed the way that blocks are spawned in from a broken garbage block. Before I added a new block for every covered slot of the broken garbage blocks, but now only the bottom row is broken into individual blocks while the rest of each garbage block is turned into a garbage block with one smaller height.

  createSpawnedBlocks(garbage) {
  for (let x = garbage.gridSlot.x; x < garbage.gridSlot.x + garbage.gridDimensions.x; x++) {
    let slot = new Vector(x, garbage.gridSlot.y + garbage.gridDimensions.y - 1);
    this.spawnedBlocks.push(new Block(slot));

  if (garbage.gridDimensions.y > 1) {
    let dimensions = garbage.gridDimensions.withY(garbage.gridDimensions.height - 1);
    this.spawnedBlocks.push(new Garbage(garbage.gridSlot, dimensions));

Since spawned blocks may now be garbage blocks I also had to add a check to the animation completion logic to add the spawned garbage block to the garbageBlocks set.

  if (this.breakTimeStarted &&
    this.timer - this.breakTimeStarted > breakDelay) {
  for (let spawnedBlock of this.spawnedBlocks) {
    if (spawnedBlock.type === type.GARBAGE) {
    spawnedBlock.state = state.WAITING;

That about wraps it all up. The final animation with spawned garbage blocks looks like this:


This change completes the necessary modifications to enable high resolution versions of the garbage block textures. I still need to build some form of linking texture between individual lines of a multi line tall garbage block, but I will wait to build this until I can confirm what needs to be done with my friend who did the high resolution block textures.

I also noticed while working on this that the combo recognition doesn't actually work perfectly across block breaks so I will also have to go back and fix that at some point.

Till tomorrow,