The Trees The Fork Oak Day20 - SCRIPT-8 Crisis

Reimplementing SCRIPT-8 in a github pages site.

Project Page


Today's project got sidetracked by a crisis inside SCRIPT-8. While I was working on improving 8Bomb to add better terrain rendering, simulated bombs, and better input (I will write about these changes, but it will have to wait until another day), a programmer who goes by the username icarito wrote a SCRIPT-8 script titled Virus which escaped the iframe which the game code runs on and locates the variable containing the GitHub access token. It then prints the token to the screen. The code for the script can be found here

This discovery scared Gabriel (as it should), so he took down the site and revoked the access tokens for all of the users of SCRIPT-8. Meanwhile I had been working along on 8Bomb when suddenly I couldn't save the script. Some chatting on discord later, I came to the conclusion that this wasn't going to be a quick fix, so I decided take a different tact.

Much of SCRIPT-8 is in the UI and saving/sharing experience. The rendering and game portion of the code is actually extremely simple, and often done in a fairly brute force way. So instead of waiting for Gabriel to fix the bug, I decided to re-implement the subset of the SCRIPT-8 API that 8Bomb actually uses in my own website. This way I can keep working on the game even when the website is down. This has the added benefit of letting me embed the game into my blog!

The source code for the minimal SCRIPT-8 implementation can be found here.

Getting Started

These days, my dev tool of choice is Parcel. For small projects like this one, its perfect and really smoothed over a lot of the difficulties of using modern JavaScript. I started by following these instructions to get a GitHub pages site up and running. I made a slight modification by moving the index.html into it's own src directory, just to allow parcel to output the compiled assets to the base of the GitHub pages site. I then navigated to the cloned repository, and ran parcel src/index.html to get the dev server up and running. Then in my editor I started typing.


     body {
       background: rgb(8,20,30)

     #game {
       position: fixed;
       top: 50%;
       left: 50%;
       transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
       width: 100vw;
       height: 100vw;
       image-rendering: pixelated;

    <canvas id="game" width=128 height=128></canvas>

    <script src="./index.js"></script>


This was basic boilerplate to create a canvas element, position it in the center of the screen, and enable pixel perfect drawing. Then the index.js is run.

Basic Structure

I decided to split the code into the main engine, and the actual game logic which should be very similar to the code that actually gets run in SCRIPT-8. To get this as close as possible, I decided to simulate the (insecure) eval logic in the actual SCRIPT-8 engine. Luckily Parcel allows for including assets as strings via the readFileSync function. Any file which imports readFileSync from the fs module will get a specialized version injected which provides the contents of the read file instead of actually reading anything. This way the content gets bundled but the code reads just like it would in Node.js.

  import {readFileSync} from 'fs';

let gameCode = readFileSync(__dirname + "/game.js", 'utf-8');

let canvas = document.getElementById('game');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

window.initialState = "";
window.draw = () => {};
window.update = () => {};
window.sprites = {};


Canvas API

Of course executing the eval-ed draw or update functions threw errors because the actual API functions didn't yet exist. Luckily 8Bomb only used a small portion of the API so things went pretty smoothly. I went error by error pulling in code from the CanvasApi in SCRIPT-8 until I finally got something to draw on the screen. As an example, this is the clear function I pulled from SCRIPT-8:

  function clear(c) {;
  ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
  if (!isNil(c)) {
    ctx.fillStyle = colors.rgb(c);
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 128, 128);
  } else {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 128, 128);

What follows are the interesting stumbling blocks I ran into.

First: Parcel requires variables that are globally scoped to be accessed via the window object. Much of SCRIPT-8 is written assuming that properties on the window object are actually global, but Parcel requires access to be explicit.

Second: SCRIPT-8 draws most of its objects via single pixel wide and single pixel tall rectangles. This includes the sprites, the text in print calls, and many of the other primitives. This strikes me as an area for performance improvement!

  function sprite(x, y, spriteIndex, darken = 0, flipH = false, flipV = false) {
  if (window.sprites[spriteIndex]) {
    window.sprites[spriteIndex].slice(0, 8).forEach((cells, rowIndex) => {
      cells.split('').forEach((color, colIndex) => {
        if (color !== ' ') {
          const clamped = clamp(+color - darken, 0, 7);
          ctx.fillStyle = colors.rgb(clamped);
            Math.floor(x) + (flipH ? 7 - colIndex : colIndex),
            Math.floor(y) + (flipV ? 7 - rowIndex : rowIndex),

Third: Chrome implements a global function print. If this function is run, it will try to print a screen shot of the current page. This was very confusing until I realized that the print API function wasn't implemented yet.

Forth: Sprites in SCRIPT-8 are encoded as lists of strings of characters. To get them working I pulled the sprite list in the Gist for my game out and appended it to the end of my game file.

  sprites = {
  "0": [
    "  3333  ",
    " 333333 ",
    " 333333 ",
    "  3333  "
  "1": [
    "5       ",
    "65      ",
    "465     ",
    "3465    ",
    "3465    ",
    "465     ",
    "65      ",
    "5       "
  "2": [
    "  6666  ",
    " 664466 ",
    " 664466 ",
    "  6666  "
  "3": [
    "  4444  ",
    " 442244 ",
    " 442244 ",
    "  4444  "


After working through these minor issues, much of the API went pretty smoothly. Getting the actual game to run was as simple as creating a loop function, and calling the game functions within it, threading the state through.

  function loop() {
  let state = window.initialState;

  window.update(state, {});

And there we have it! A running game from SCRIPT-8 outside of SCRIPT-8. I plan on doing much of my SCRIPT-8 development in this way simply because the tooling is better, I don't have to worry about the infinite loop problem where scripts are unrecoverable when an infinite loop is created. That and the fact that I can embed the game wherever I want make this solution very appealing.

At this point it is very late, so I will wrap it up here. I'm hopeful that Gabriel will be able to figure out a solution to the security issues found tonight soon, but until then I will continue on with 8Bomb without him.

Till Tomorrow,