The Trees The Fork Maple Day19 - Two Columns And Refactoring

Refactored the Room Endpoint Plus Some CSS


Quick post today as its very late and my day was pretty chaotic. I worked on the site style a bit more in preparation for the dynamic portion of the site and refactored the endpoint I wrote yesterday for the same reason.

Two Columns

The new site structure has the main content to the left with a dynamic column that is sticky on the right side. When on mobile the dynamic column is hidden away because its not strictly required. To achieve these three goals, I refactored the site style to use a css grid layout and a media query to add the extra css when the viewer is big enough.

// If screen is small, don't show the sidebar
// just have a single column of content centered on the screen
    background-color: $background
    display: grid
    justify-content: center
    grid-template-columns: minmax(10px, $contentWidth)
    grid-template-rows: auto auto auto 1fr
    grid-template-areas: "header" "main" "footer" "."

    display: none

@media (min-width: $contentWidth)
    // If the screen is bigger than 11 inches show the sidebar
    // fit-content is used so that if the sidebar doesn't exist,
    // the main content is still centered on the screen
        display: grid
        grid-template-columns: 1fr $contentWidth 10px fit-content(3in) 1fr
        grid-template-rows: auto auto auto 1fr
        grid-template-areas: ". header header header . " ". main . sidebar ." ". footer footer footer ." ". . . . ."

        display: block
        align-self: start
        grid-area: sidebar
        top: 0
        position: sticky

The key points are using the @media query with the same body style just updated to have the extra sidebar column. I used fit-content(3in) so that if there isn't any text in the sidebar, that column collapses to zero width giving the main content more space.

top: 0 and position: sticky puts the sidebar at the top of the screen so that the dynamic content is always visible even when the user has scrolled a bit.

For now these changes aren't really that visible, once the sidebar gets some actual content in it, the user will be able to see messages when other visitors arrive and may even be able to interact with them. Initially I just want live notifications and intractability with the expectation that basically nobody will be on the site. But eventually I would like to handle scaling out to many users.


With the site design out of the way for now, I also worked on refactoring the room endpoint. Yesterday's code was very simple but not very extensible or readable. So today I pulled the Visitor, Room, and World structs out into their own modules. I moved the mutation functions into the world struct by creating get_visitor and move_visitor helpers to wrap up the long function from yesterday into higher level pieces. The endpoint itself then becomes extremely simple.

fn visit_room(visitor_id: usize, path: PathBuf, world: &State<World>) -> Json<RoomSnapshot> {
    let visitor = world.get_visitor(visitor_id);
    *visitor.last_seen.write() = Instant::now();
    let room = world.move_visitor(&visitor, &path);

My hope is that as more functionality is created, they can follow this same pattern of simple operations built up of basic building blocks.

But for now its very late and I must sleep. Till tomorrow